Monday, February 28, 2011

How Do I Recognize His Call?

In Exodus 3:4, Moses heard God’s voice in a burning bush and in Isaiah 6, Isaiah saw God in a vision and heard Him speak. But these are exceptions when it comes to hearing the voice of God. We all hear God’s voice. Believers hear Him through the Holy Spirit and unbelievers hear Him through their consciences. No matter which way we hear Him, we know when He is talking to us, we know the sound of that quiet voice inside us that urges us to do or not do something.

Believers and unbelievers have the option of ignoring that inner voice, God gave us free will. However, if it is He who is calling, that voice will persistently tug on our hearts until we respond positively or repress it so deeply that we can usually ignore it. I know from experience that it’s better to respond positively because the alternative is to live with a nagging discomfort until we do. You see, God loves every one of us, whether we are believers or not, so he gave each of us a conscience to guide us in our life-choices. And because He loves us that much, He will not let us be content when we ignore our inner voice.

It’s better if the Lord doesn’t have to use stronger means to get our attention. Consider the Apostle Paul (formerly Saul) who was so stubborn that Jesus had to physically blind him to get his undivided attention. It is far more preferable to follow the lead of that quiet voice because the God who blinded Saul can still do the same to us today.

So this is how we know it is God calling us, our conscience or the Holy Spirit will continue to give us heart pangs until we respond according to the promptings. Trying to ignore them, suppress them or rationalize them away will only result in an uneasiness that will nag us until we obey comply or die. And that is no way to live.

So when that quiet inner voice begins tugging, listen and act accordingly. Relax in the knowledge that God wants to bless you with good things. It’s okay to ignore the voice once or twice to make sure it truly is God calling. But if it persist and it’s telling you to do something that will benefit others at least as much as you, then it is most likely God’s voice, so act. As an added confirmation, when you respond appropriately, God will bless you with more joy than you ever thought possible.

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Storm's Silver Lining

A storm is blowing into our neighborhood. As I listen to the wind howling through the trees and the rain pounding on the windows, I’m reminded how much my life used to be like this storm. Before I knew God, I would howl and pound, and manipulate, in an attempt to get my own way. And if I failed, I would storm off, absorbed in an inner rage that would rule over me for a long time, the memory of that failure returning often for several months or years after. No different than anyone’s, my human nature would keep me tied up in emotional knots because I failed to get my own way. You see, human nature makes all of us selfishly competitive which leads to all kinds of negative health issues and sinful thoughts. I can’t count the number of times I injured and killed people, at least in my thoughts, because they prevented me from obtaining my own egocentric desires.

Thankfully God didn’t give up on me. Actually, He doesn’t give up on anybody which is why we are still waiting for Christ’s return. Understanding His patience is difficult at best. However, I am eternally grateful that He is patient because it saved my life and my soul. I’m not saying that I became immediately altruistic. Not even close. My self-centered nature fought long and hard to stay in control. But God is patiently molding me into the humble, charitable, unselfish person He created me to be. When I look at where I came from, I can see He has made enormous changes in me over the past 30 years. Today, more often than not, I prioritize the welfare of others over my own. However, His work is not yet done.

One thing I have learned is how wonderful He makes me feel when I answer His call to help others. I’m no longer helping others to primarily benefit myself. He has transformed me to the point where I can honestly help others with no concern for “what’s in it for me?” The real beauty of this is that when I allow Him to work through me to serve others, He provides much greater joy and rewards than selfishness ever could.

So are you fighting His calling like I did? Are you walking with God but not submitting to His control? Why not take a chance? Let Him lead your every step for a month, a week and see if you don’t find much less stress in your life. Let Him take the lead and enjoy the wonderful peace and joy that He provides. Life can be a wonderful adventure if we’ll just let Him be our guide.

Monday, February 21, 2011

It’s Never Just About You…

Today I wrote a brief article for “” and realized something that has been true whenever God talks to me, guides me and corrects me. It’s never been just about me. As I was writing the article, the Holy Spirit gently showed me how even my most personal lessons from God have a profound effect on others. He never really does something just for me alone. And that is because He loves us all and wants us all to be positive influences in the lives of everyone else. God is calling all of us to be better people; people who care about others more than ourselves.

Think of Jesus’ life. His whole life was about benefiting others. He promised us that the more we serve others, the more we will be rewarded, but this should not be our motivation. If it is, then we are still all about ourselves. I understand that we begin life with a self-focus. Most everything we do is motivated by how our actions will benefit us. Yet God has promised that the more selfless we are, the more we will truly benefit in an eternal way. And the eternal is so much more important than the now. But He doesn’t ignore the now. He rewards our selfless service by blessing us with great personal joy and by meeting all our needs.

As I eluded to in previous posts, I very recently, December 2010, started a new venture as a writer. I did so at the urging of a good friend and the prompting of the Holy Spirit. This was an answer to prayer that I had been seeking for many years. What I didn’t mention before is that 2 months before that, I began another new venture as the director of our church’s Drama Ministry. I also had never done this before but the God assured me that He wanted me to do it. And, last month, I began re-flooring my deck and, with the help of an experienced friend, building a roof over it. So, in three months time I began three new ventures, none of which I had any experience in. I’m not telling you this to blow my own horn. I’m telling you this because I want you to know that when God calls you to do something, He doesn’t care about your lack of experience, or your background, or your age or any other human condition, He only cares that you are willing to trust Him enough to take a leap of pure faith.

I wasn’t what I considered a writer, I’m not an ordained minister or even a staff member of my church and I’m not a contractor or builder. I’m just a man who loves God, is grateful for the price He paid for me and is willing to go where He leads me. At first, following Him was scary because I had no control over where I would go or what I would do, and I like being in control. However, my early baby-steps of faith resulted in unimaginable joy, so now I happily jump when God calls. I sometimes get nervous because I still consider my personal shortcomings, but I know God doesn’t care about those. Thus, it is ever easier and more exciting for me to take hold of the new challenges He sets before me.

Is God calling you to do something completely scary; something you’ve never done before? If so, take a leap of faith. Follow His lead. If you need the assistance of others, He will lead you to them. Remember, He says in His Word that when we put our faith in Him and seek wise counsel our plans will succeed. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Listening Isn’t Easy!

God tells us to trust Him and He will take care of all our needs, He will protect us from those who would hurt us and He will surround us with people who care about us. So why do we have such a tough time listening?
One reason we find listening hard is because we each have a constant internal dialogue that keeps us distracted, even when we are most focused. It is difficult to turn it off, accomplish complete internal silence and then wait, quietly, for His voice. I know that whenever I try to shut off my internal dialogue, I never completely succeed. The closest I have ever come is reaching the point where my only thoughts are, “I must be quiet.” Of course, that is still internal dialogue. Thankfully, God is able to get my attention long enough to convey His message to me. He is able to do this because He is God and because my heart wants to hear from Him, even though I can’t quiet my thoughts.

Another reason we can’t hear Him is because of our selfishness. Sometimes we just know that if we let God speak, He will tell us to stop what we are doing, or that we can’t have what we want. This is not what we want to hear. Being born with a naturally sinful nature ensures it will take deliberate effort on our part to turn from our own desires and seek His way for ourselves. To reach this point is far more difficult than turning off our inner voice, and far more important. Quieting the voice in our head is just a matter of cutting through the noise, but turning from our own selfish ways and desires takes a deliberate choice that goes against our natural inclination. However, we must accomplish both if we truly want to hear from God, and we must accomplish both all day, every day.

The good news is that God wants to give His best to us. He wants us to succeed beyond our wildest dreams. He wants to bless us in ways we don’t even know we want. He wants us to have great, loving relationships with Him and everyone. He wants us to have earthly and heavenly rewards that will make us better people and give us great joy. He wants to take care of us like nobody else will or can. All we have to do is try to quiet our inner voice, yield our will to His and listen for His calling.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Did You Ever Have One Of Those Days?

Ever have one of those days when you start out raring to go and then one distraction after another seems to suck the day away from you? Well, that is the kind of day I had. After my prayer time and Bible study, “things” came up that kept me from doing what I intended. And when I finally felt I had time to get started on my “to-do” list, it was time for me to start dinner. Maybe I’ll just escort my beautiful wife to the car, brave the rain and cold and take her to our favorite restaurant.

Hopefully your day went better than mine. But it seems that if you live anywhere in the U.S., you probably didn’t have a great weather day either. I do hope you asked God to direct your day and were able to accomplish what needed to be done. I thought my goals for the day were His but I may have misunderstood. Apparently He wanted me to learn how to exercise patience in the midst of chaos. I believe I did pretty well and pray I did well enough to avoid another lesson in patience tomorrow.

One thing He did lay on my heart was the lack of good news we get in this country. The news media seems intent trying to depress us by only sharing the worst humanity has to offer. And most do it with a decided editorial bent. So, we should show people that there is goodness in this world. We should show the world that there is a loving, caring God Who will help anyone who comes to Him.  He wants me to share stories of mankind’s acts of goodness. But not just my stories, He wants your stories too. Therefore, if you know of anyone who has done anything good for others without expecting a reward, please share that with me. Post your stories in the comments and I will publish those that best fit the goal.