(This is the same post as on "Reality Writing." I did this because I was told to.)
By Bruce Brady
It has been 29 long days since I injured my hip on a mission trip. And, with one exception, today is the first day I’ve been able to sit down at my computer long enough to write more than a couple of words. It feels good to write again. Yet, I’ve been beating myself up because I haven’t written anything for a month. But today I heard God and He told me that my self-degradation is one of the most effective tools Satan has in his arsenal. It has been an effective tool since the fall.
We all fear some things in life. However, when we take a hard look at the root cause of our fears, it usually turns out to be the fear of rejection. Deep inside our hearts we know that any failure in our life will be criticized by others, and that potential criticism causes us great emotional agony.
I have recently realized that contrary to what I previously thought, I’ve been suffering that very fear. My inability to sit long enough to write has caused me to fear rejection by my mentors, Edie and Pam. I know that they will love me no matter what I may or may not do, but I’ve still been afraid of disappointing them. They have poured their hearts and souls into helping me succeed as a writer and I’ve repaid them with nothing for several weeks now. And while my hip injury may be a viable excuse, it isn’t a good one. After all, Jesus went through a lot more suffering than I’m experiencing and still pressed on. Paul did also. So, I have no excuse.
Instead of giving in to my pain and discomfort, I should have used the brain God gave me to devise a way of writing without the need for sitting. After all, it is God who gives me the words and He can do that no matter what position I’m in. So I’m recommitting myself to the pursuit of serving Him through the written word, remembering Philippians 3:13-14 which says,”…But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
Should you find yourself struggling in your quest to reach your goal, forget what is behind and press on. Don’t let the world get in the way of your calling; your purpose for living. Remember we are all created by a loving God who wants us to do well and experience the good things of life. Those who would criticize you are those who are also floundering and want you to be their savior. Of course, you can’t save them but with God’s help you can show them the right path to salvation. And you can do this with the words He gives you.
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