Today, I celebrate 30 years of marriage to the most beautiful woman in the world. And I can’t wait to see what Jesus has in store for us over the next 30 years. Today, I’m also reminded that being a husband is one of my callings. A calling I don’t take lightly because to do so would inflict pain and harm on my precious wife. I thank God for her, and for reminding me of my love for her whenever I entertain the idea of treating her as anything other than the most important person in my life; my life partner.
We all have those times when we lash out, or want to, at our mates. At those times, Jesus reminds me of all the wonderful qualities my wife has. He reminds me of how well she compliments and completes me. When I get my focus on those qualities quickly enough, I’m able to avoid acting in a manner that is damaging to our relationship. And when I don’t, He blesses me with such guilt as to cause me to ask His and her forgiveness. I pray that I always focus on her wonderful qualities before I assert my selfishness.
How does this apply to my calling? Simply put, God calls me, as a husband to be the spiritual leader of my wife and family. He places this awesome responsibility on me to care for my wife and children the way He cares for us. Jesus gave up His life for me and it is my duty to be willing to do the same for my family, especially my wife. He also made it clear that the body of Christ, the Church, is also my family, so I must be willing to sacrifice myself for the benefit of all believers. And, I must reflect His compassion for all unbelievers because we are all His creations.
So Darling, I’m sorry for all the times I let my ego override my love for you. I do and will always love you more than myself. Thank you for 30 great years of being my wife, my friend, my lover. Words are inadequate to express how deep my love is for you and how grateful I am for all you are and do. I thank God for bringing you into my life.
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